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Work plan for water pollution control in Shaanxi Province

Source: Unknown 时间:2018-08-15 19:54 Number of readings:

 About the People's Government of Shaanxi Province

"Shaanxi Province water pollution control work Plan" notice 
Shaanxi Zhengfa (2015) No. 60 
The municipal people's government, the working departments of the provincial people's government and the institutions directly under them:
    The Work Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Shaanxi Province is hereby issued to you. Please implement it carefully。
                                                               Shaanxi Provincial People's Government
                                                               December 30, 2015
Work plan for water pollution control in Shaanxi Province
    The quality of water environment is related to people's drinking water safety and health, and whether our province can fully qualify for entering a well-off society。当前,Our province is faced with the severe situation of lack of water resources, uneven distribution of time and space, serious local water pollution and insufficient water recycling,To effectively strengthen the prevention and control of water pollution,To ensure the province's economic and social development of water quality target demand and water environment safety,According to The State Council's Water Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan,Combined with the reality of our province,Formulate this work programme。
    Overall requirements: Fully implement the central Committee's series of deployment requirements for ecological civilization construction and green development since the 18th National Congress of the Party,Give priority to protection, green development and circular development,To improve the quality of water environment as the core,In accordance with the principles of "south prevention and north control, central promotion, water-saving cycle, optimizing space, and bottom line guarantee",We will give full play to the role of legal norms, market regulation, scientific and technological support, and standard-setting,We will comprehensively promote law-based, systematic, innovative and nationwide water control,A new water pollution prevention and control mechanism featuring "government leadership, enterprise governance, market drive and public participation" will be formed,Let Sanqin land water more clear,It will provide lasting impetus for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects。
    Work objectives: By 2020, the province's water environment quality has been improved in stages, severely polluted water bodies have been significantly reduced, drinking water safety has been continuously improved, and groundwater overexploitation has been strictly controlled。By 2030, the overall quality of the water environment in the province will be improved, and the functions of the Weihe River water ecosystem will be fully restored。Main indicators:
    Control target: By 2020, the proportion of surface water quality excellent (reaching or better than Class III) in the Han River, Danjiang River, Jialing River and other Yangtze River basins shall reach 100%。The proportion of excellent surface water quality in the Weihe River, Yanhe River and Wudinghe River basins reached more than 56%。The water quality of urban centralized drinking water sources in each district city, Hancheng City and Yangling Demonstration Zone, and Xixian New District is all up to standard, and the black and smelly water bodies in urban built-up areas are controlled below 10%。The proportion of poor groundwater quality in the province is controlled within 15%。
    By 2030, the proportion of surface water quality in the Yangtze River basin will remain 100%, and the water quality of the Han, Danjiang and Jialing Rivers will continue to be excellent。The proportion of excellent surface water quality in the Yellow River basin reached more than 75%, and the water quality in the Weihe River reached or exceeded the requirements of water function zoning, and the water ecosystem function was restored.The water quality of Yanhe River and Wudinghe River is excellent。The water quality of urban centralized drinking water sources in all districted cities, Hancheng City, Yangling Demonstration Zone and Xixian New District is up to standard, and the black and smelly water bodies in urban built-up areas are basically eliminated。
    - Watershed indicators: by 2020,Guanzhong area,All sections of Baoji and Yangling in the main stream of Weihe River basically reach Class III water quality,The water quality of the tributaries reached or was better than Class IV.Except Xinfengqiao section in Xi 'an, all sections of Xianyang, Xi 'an and Weinan in the Weihe River main stream are above Class IV water quality,The water quality of the tributaries reached or was better than Class V。In northern Shaanxi, the water quality of all sections of Yan River, Wuding River and other main streams and tributaries meets the requirements of water function zoning (meet or better than Class IV).。In southern Shaanxi, all sections of the main stream and tributaries of Han River, Danjiang River and Jialing River reach Class II or Class III water quality, and all sections out of the province reach Class II water quality。
    By 2030, all sections of the Weihe River main stream in Guanzhong area will strive to reach Class III water quality, and all tributaries will reach or better than Class IV water quality。In northern Shaanxi, all sections of Yanhe River and Wudinghe River reach Class III water quality, and all tributaries reach or better than Class IV water quality。In southern Shaanxi, all sections of the main stream and tributaries of the Han River, Danjiang River and Jialing River have reached Class II and Class III water quality, and the sections out of the province have reached Class II water quality。
    First, systematic governance, comprehensive control of pollutant emissions
    1. Launching actions to prevent and control water pollution in key river basins。Conscientiously organize the implementation of the Three-year Action Plan for the Consolidation and Improvement of Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Weihe River Basin (2015-2017) and the Action Plan for Water Quality Protection in Hanjiang Danjiang River Basin (2014-2017) issued by the provincial government。Yan 'an City government organized the preparation of "Yanhe River Basin Water Pollution Control Action Plan (2016-2020)", Yulin City government organized the preparation of "Wuding River Basin Water Pollution Control Action Plan (2016-2020)"。On the basis of the overall plan, the annual implementation plans for Weihe River basin, Yanhe River basin, Wudinghe River basin and Hanjiang River Danjiang River Basin shall be formulated。(The provincial Department of Environmental Protection takes the lead, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the provincial Department of Finance, the provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the provincial Department of Water Resources, the provincial Department of Agriculture and other departments participate, and the municipal, county and district governments are responsible for the implementation。The following are to be implemented by the municipal and county governments, and will not be explained separately)
    2. We will work hard to prevent and control industrial pollution。We will ban heavily polluting "10+3" small enterprises, and comprehensively investigate small industrial enterprises with low equipment and poor environmental protection facilities。By the end of 2016, all small papermaking, leather, printing and dyeing, dyes, coking, sulfur, arsenic, oil refining, electroplating, pesticides, and saponin, metallurgy, juice and other production projects that do not conform to the national industrial policy will be banned。(Led by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, with the participation of the Provincial Environmental Protection Department, the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, and the Provincial Energy Bureau)
    Special rectification of key industries。Formulate special treatment plans for papermaking, coking (including charcoal), nitrogen fertilizer, non-ferrous metals (lead, zinc, mercury, vanadium, etc.), printing and dyeing, agricultural and sideline food processing, manufacturing of raw materials (including saponin), leather, pesticides, electroplating, petroleum exploitation and processing, coal chemical industry (coal to methanol, olefin, etc.), fruit juice and other industries,Carry out clean transformation。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and participated by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology)
    The construction projects of new construction, reconstruction and expansion of the above industries shall implement the replacement of major pollutants with equal or reduced emission。By the end of 2017,The paper industry strives to complete the transformation of pulp without elemental chlorine bleaching or adopt other low-pollution pulping technologies,The technical transformation of coke ovens in iron and steel enterprises has been completed,Nitrogen fertilizer industry urea production completed process condensate hydrolysis analysis technology reform,Printing and dyeing industry to implement low-drainage dyeing and finishing process transformation,Pharmaceutical (antibiotics, vitamins) industry to implement green enzyme production technology transformation,The leather industry has implemented chrome reduction and closed recycling technology transformation,The saponin industry has implemented resource recovery and water-saving cleaning technology transformation,The lanlan carbon industry implements the reuse of residual ammonia water and low-moisture quenching technology。(Led by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and participated by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    Centralized control of water pollution in industrial clusters。We will strengthen pollution control in economic and technological development zones, high-tech industrial development zones, export processing zones and other industrial clusters。The industrial wastewater in the agglomeration area must be pretreated to meet the requirements of centralized treatment before it can enter the centralized sewage treatment facility。New and upgraded industrial agglomeration areas should simultaneously plan and build pollution control facilities such as centralized treatment of sewage and garbage。By the end of 2017, centralized sewage treatment facilities should be built in industrial clusters, and automatic online monitoring devices should be installed;If it is not completed within the time limit, the examination and approval of construction projects that increase the discharge of water pollutants shall be suspended。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Commerce)
    3. Strengthening urban pollution control。Accelerate the construction and renovation of urban sewage treatment facilities to meet the corresponding discharge standards or recycling requirements。Urban sewage treatment facilities in the Yellow River Basin implement the "Yellow River Basin (Shaanxi Section) Sewage Comprehensive Discharge Standards"。Hanjiang River and Danjiang River Basin urban sewage treatment facilities implement the "Handan River Basin (Shaanxi section) Key industries Water pollutant discharge Limits"。By 2020, all counties and key towns in the province will have sewage collection and treatment capacity, and the sewage treatment rate of cities and counties will reach 95% and 85% respectively。(Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    We will comprehensively strengthen the construction of supporting pipe networks。Strengthen the interception and collection of sewage in urban villages, old urban areas and rural-urban fringe。The existing combined drainage system should accelerate the implementation of rain and pollution diversion transformation, and if it is difficult to transform, measures should be taken to intercept the flow, regulate storage and control。The pipeline network of new sewage treatment facilities should be designed, constructed and put into operation simultaneously。In the construction of new urban areas, rain and pollution diversion will be implemented, and rainwater collection, treatment and resource utilization will be promoted in the initial stage。By 2017, the built-up area of Xi 'an will basically realize the full collection and treatment of sewage, and the other districted cities, Yangling Demonstration Zone and Xixian New Area will be basically realized by the end of 2020。(Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    Promote sludge treatment and disposal。The sludge produced by sewage treatment facilities shall be stabilized, harmless and resource-based treatment and disposal, and the sludge that fails to meet the treatment and disposal standards shall be prohibited from entering the cultivated land。All illegal sludge storage sites will be shut down。The existing sludge treatment and disposal facilities will be basically completed by the end of 2017, and the harmless treatment and disposal rate of urban sludge in each district city, Hancheng City and Yangling Demonstration Zone, and Xixian New District will reach more than 90% by the end of 2020。(Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    We will promote the construction of constructed wetlands in urban sewage treatment plants。Construction of constructed wetland in the downstream of urban sewage treatment plant。In the Weihe River main stream, Yan River, Wuding River banks, heavily polluted branch estuary and key sewage outlet suitable areas, the construction of artificial and natural ecological wetland。(Led by the Provincial Forestry Department, the Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Water Resources Department, and the Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    Improve urban black and smelly water bodies。We will take measures such as source control and pollution interception, garbage removal, dredging, and ecological restoration to strengthen the treatment of black and odorous water bodies, and publicize the treatment situation to the public every six months。The built-up areas of each city (district) shall complete the investigation of black and odorous water bodies on schedule, and publish the name, responsible person and deadline for reaching the standard;By the end of 2017, there will be no large area of floating objects on the river surface in non-flood season, no garbage on the river banks, and no illegal sewage discharge outlets;By the end of 2020, we will achieve the goal of controlling black and odorous water bodies。The built-up area of Xi 'an will basically eliminate black and odorous water bodies by the end of 2017。(Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and participated by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    4. Promoting pollution prevention and control in agriculture and rural areas。Scientifically delimit the forbidden areas for livestock and poultry breeding。Before the end of 2017, the livestock and poultry farms (communities) and breeding professional households in the prohibited areas shall be closed or relocated according to law。The existing large-scale livestock and poultry farms (communities) should build supporting facilities for the storage, treatment and utilization of fecal sewage according to the needs of pollution prevention and control。Livestock and poultry manure and sewage shall be collected by households and treated and utilized centrally in the concentrated areas。Since 2016, the new, reconstruction, expansion of large-scale livestock and poultry farms (communities) to implement rain and sewage diversion, fecal sewage resource utilization。(Led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture and participated by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    Promote ecological and healthy farming。In the Hanjiang River, Danjiang River basin and the province's key lakes and reservoirs, delimit restricted culture areas, and implement the standardization of cage landing and aquaculture pond cage transformation。Strengthen the management of aquaculture inputs, carry out special rectification, and regulate and restrict the use of antibiotics and other chemicals according to law。(Led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture, participated by the Provincial Water Resources Department and the Provincial Food and Drug Administration)
    Control pollution from non-point agricultural sources。To formulate and implement comprehensive prevention and control programs for agricultural non-point source pollution in the province。We will promote pilot programs of subsidies for the use of low-toxicity and low-residue pesticides, and carry out green prevention and control of crop diseases and pests。Implement soil testing and formula fertilization,Promote precision fertilization techniques and tools;We will improve standards and norms for high-standard farmland construction and land development and consolidation,Clear environmental protection requirements;Sensitive areas and large and medium-sized irrigation areas,Use existing trenches, ponds, cellars, etc,Aquatic plant communities, grilles and permeable DAMS are configured,Construction of ecological ditches, sewage purification ponds, surface runoff collection ponds and other facilities,Purify farmland drainage and surface runoff。By 2020, the coverage rate of soil testing and formula fertilization technology will reach more than 90 percent, the utilization rate of fertilizer will increase to more than 40 percent, and the coverage rate of crop diseases and pests will reach more than 40 percent。(Led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau)
    Adjust the planting structure and layout。In areas prone to groundwater pollution, priority should be given to planting crops that require low amounts of fertilizer and medicine and outstanding environmental benefits。In Guanzhong and northern Shaanxi, where the problems of overexploitation of surface water and overexploitation of groundwater are serious and the proportion of agricultural water is large, the planting area of crops with large water consumption should be reduced appropriately and drought-tolerant crops and economic forests should be planted instead。Trial retrogradation of land and water reduction in areas lacking water。By the end of 2018, comprehensive management of 1.1 million mu of irrigated area will be implemented, reducing the amount of water 1.More than 200 million cubic meters。(Led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture and the Provincial Department of Water Resources, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Land and Resources)
    Control pollution of environmental hormone chemicals。By the end of 2017, complete the investigation of the production and use of environmental hormone chemicals, monitor and evaluate the risks of water sources, agricultural product growing areas and aquatic products concentrated culture areas, and implement measures such as the elimination, restriction and substitution of environmental hormone chemicals。(Led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    We will accelerate comprehensive improvement of the rural environment。With county-level administrative areas as the unit, we will implement unified planning, construction, and management of rural sewage and garbage treatment, and actively promote the extension of urban sewage and garbage treatment facilities and services to rural areas where conditions permit。We will deepen the policy of promoting governance through awards, carry out rural cleaning projects, dredge river channels, and comprehensively improve the rural environment。By 2020, we will strive to complete the construction of 4,000 villages for comprehensive environmental improvement。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    2. Prevention and control at the source to promote green economic and social development 
    (5) Strict environmental access policies。According to the water quality objectives of the basin and the planning requirements of the main functional zones, strict regional environmental access conditions, detailed functional zones, and differentiated environmental access policies are implemented。Guanzhong region strictly controls the construction and expansion of chemical pulp and paper making, chemical industry, printing and dyeing, juice and starch processing and other projects with high water consumption and high pollution;Southern Shaanxi Province strictly controls the construction and expansion of ginger saponin production, chemical pulp and paper making, juice processing, electroplating, printing and dyeing and other industries with high water consumption and high pollution;In northern Shaanxi Province, the scale of thermal power, coal and coal chemical industries should be controlled reasonably,Strictly control the construction of new coal under 1 million tons/year, a single set of production capacity of less than 100,000 tons/year coke oven gas methanol, treatment of anhydrous coal tar capacity of less than 500,000 tons/year coal tar processing projects。We will establish a monitoring and evaluation system for the carrying capacity of water resources and the water environment based on administrative regions, carry out monitoring and early warning of carrying capacity, and implement plans to reduce water pollutants in areas where the carrying capacity has exceeded, and speed up the adjustment of development plans and industrial structure。By 2020, China will organize and complete an assessment of the current status of water resources and water environment carrying capacity in cities and counties。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    6. Adjusting the industrial structure。Eliminate backward production capacity in accordance with the law。Since 2016,Each city (district) shall, in accordance with the guidance catalogue for the elimination of backward production process equipment and products in some industrial industries, the guidance catalogue for industrial structure adjustment and the emission standards for pollutants in related industries,Formulate and implement annual plans for the elimination of backward production capacity,Report to the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Industry and Information Technology Department, provincial Environmental Protection Department for the record。Areas that fail to complete the elimination task as scheduled shall suspend the examination and approval of new projects in their related industries。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    7. Improving spatial distribution。We will determine the layout, structure and scale of development。Fully consider the carrying capacity of water resources and water environment, and determine the city, land, people and production by water。On the premise of conforming to urban and rural planning and the overall plan for land use, major projects will be distributed in optimized development zones and key development zones in principle。We will encourage the development of water-saving and high-efficiency modern agriculture, low-water consumption high-tech industries, and eco-protection tourism, strictly control the development of industries with high water consumption and high pollution, and implement emission reduction and replacement for major pollutants in the construction projects of new, renovated, and expanded key industries。Weihe River, Yanhe River, Wudinghe River, Hanjiang River, Danjiang River, Jialing River and other six major rivers along the main stream,It is necessary to strictly control oil processing, chemical raw materials and chemical products manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, chemical fiber manufacturing, non-ferrous metal smelting, textile printing and dyeing projects,Reasonable layout of production equipment and hazardous chemical storage facilities,Prevent environmental risks。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    Encourage polluting enterprises to withdraw from the city and enter the park。Existing steel, non-ferrous metals, paper making, printing and dyeing, raw material manufacturing, chemical industry and other heavily polluting enterprises in the urban construction area should be relocated and transformed into the park (district) in an orderly manner.。(Led by Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, participated by Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    Protect ecological space in accordance with the law。Strict management of the blue line of urban planning, a certain proportion of water area should be reserved within the urban planning area, and new projects must not illegally occupy water areas。Strict control over the use of water shoreline, land development and utilization should be in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and technical standards, leave enough drinking water source level protection areas, river, lake zone management and protection scope, illegal occupation should be withdrawn within the time limit。We will intensify ecological development in the six major river basins,Strictly delimit areas prohibited from mining, logging and grazing;Large areas of afforestation on both sides of the river were implemented,In urban section, the width of green forest belt on the water side of levee should be increased appropriately,Ecological wetlands and protection forests shall be built in river channels and beaches in areas where pollution sources are relatively concentrated,Enhance water conservation and soil conservation capacity。The Weihe River Basin has initially established an ecosystem framework with the north and south mountains as the barrier, the riverside park, the wetland along the river and the urban forest as the main body。(Led by the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Forestry, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and the Provincial Department of Water Resources, etc.)
    8. Continue to promote circular development。Strengthen industrial water recycling。To promote the comprehensive utilization of mine water, priority should be given to the use of mine water for supplementary water in coal mining areas, production and ecological water in surrounding areas, and closed circuit recycling of coal washing wastewater。Encourage steel, textile printing and dyeing, paper making, petroleum and petrochemical, chemical, leather and other high-water consumption enterprises wastewater treatment and reuse。By the end of 2020, industrial agglomeration areas such as economic and technological development zones, high-tech industrial development zones, and export processing zones will lay reclaimed water utilization pipe networks, and the utilization rate of recycled water will not be less than 30%。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, with the participation of the Provincial Water Resources Department and the Provincial Energy Bureau)
    Promote the use of recycled water。Northern Shaanxi and Guanzhong regions should improve the utilization of recycled water facilities, industrial production, urban greening, road cleaning, vehicle washing, building construction and ecological landscape water, to give priority to the use of recycled water。Promote the treatment and reuse of sewage in highway service areas。Steel, thermal power, chemical, pulp and paper, printing and dyeing projects that have the conditions to use recycled water but are not fully utilized shall not be approved for new water intake permits。Since 2018, new public buildings with a single building area of more than 20,000 square meters and new centralized affordable housing of more than 100,000 square meters in the province should install building water use facilities, and actively promote the installation of building water facilities in other new housing。By 2020, the utilization rate of urban recycled water in northern Shaanxi and Guanzhong will reach more than 20%。(Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    Third, save water and strengthen the comprehensive utilization of water resources
    (9) Control the total amount of water used。We will strictly implement the management of water resources and improve the index system for controlling total water consumption。Strengthen the relevant planning and project construction layout water resources demonstration work, national economic and social development planning and urban master planning, major construction project layout, should take full account of local water resources conditions and flood control requirements。For areas where the total amount of water consumption has reached or exceeded the control index, the approval of new water intake permits for construction projects shall be suspended。Planned water use management shall be implemented for units and other large water users subject to the administration of water drawing permits。New construction, reconstruction and expansion projects should reach the advanced level of the industry, and water-saving facilities should be designed, constructed and put into operation at the same time as the main project。Establish a list of key monitoring units of water use。By 2020, the total annual water consumption in the province will be controlled at 112.Within 9.2 billion cubic meters。(Led by the Provincial Water Resources Department, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Industry and Information Technology Department, the Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department, and the Provincial Agriculture Department)
    Strictly control groundwater overdrawing。Geological hazard assessment should be carried out for the exploitation and utilization of groundwater in the areas prone to geological hazards such as ground subsidence, ground cracks and karst collapse。Strictly control the exploitation of deep confined water, geothermal water, mineral water development should strictly implement the water intake permit and mining permit。Regulate the construction and management of motor Wells according to law, check and register the built motor Wells, and shut down the self-provided Wells without approval or within the coverage of the public water supply network。To carry out comprehensive treatment of groundwater over-extraction areas in the province, prepare plans for underground water pressure extraction in land subsidence areas, and prohibit industrial and agricultural production and service industries from taking new groundwater in over-extraction areas。By the end of 2017, the delineation of the scope of the province's groundwater mining prohibited areas, mining restricted areas and land subsidence control areas will be completed。(Led by the Provincial Department of Water Resources and the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    10. Improving water use efficiency。An evaluation system for water use efficiency, including water consumption indicators for 10,000 yuan of GDP, has been established, and the achievement of water-saving targets and tasks has been included in the performance assessment of local governments。Unconventional water sources such as reclaimed water and rainwater will be included in the unified allocation of water resources。By 2020, the province's water consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP and water consumption per 10,000 yuan of industrial added value will be 55 percent higher than in 2013.59 cubic meters, 32.43 cubic meters fell by more than 15% and 13% respectively。(Led by the Provincial Department of Water Resources, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)
    We will work hard to save water in industry。To formulate a catalogue of water technology, process, products and equipment to be encouraged and eliminated in our province, and improve water consumption quota standards for high-water consumption industries。Carry out water-saving diagnosis, water balance testing, water efficiency assessment, and strict management of water quotas。By 2020, power, steel, textile, paper, petroleum and petrochemical, chemical, food fermentation and other high-water consumption industries will meet advanced quota standards。(Led by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Provincial Department of Water Resources, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau)
    Strengthen urban water conservation。It is prohibited to produce or sell products and equipment that do not meet the water-saving standards。Public buildings must adopt water-saving appliances, eliminate domestic water-using appliances such as water taps and toilet tanks that do not meet water-saving standards in public buildings within a time limit, and encourage households to choose water-saving appliances。The water supply network that has been used for more than 50 years and the material is backward will be renovated, and the leakage rate of the public water supply network in the province will be controlled within 10% by 2020。Actively promote the low-impact development and construction model, and build rainwater collection and utilization facilities that combine stagnation, seepage, storage, use and drainage。The permeable area of hardened ground in new urban areas should reach more than 40%。By 2020, all cities in Guanzhong and northern Shaanxi will meet the national standards for water-saving cities。(Led by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Water Resources Department, and the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau)
    Develop agricultural water-saving。Water-saving irrigation technologies such as channel seepage prevention, pipeline water transmission, sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation will be promoted, and irrigation water metering facilities will be improved。Large-scale and efficient water-saving irrigation will be promoted in Guanzhong and northern Shaanxi, and water-saving and drought-resistant techniques for crops will be popularized。By 2020, we will basically complete the construction of supporting facilities in large-scale irrigation areas and key medium-sized irrigation areas and the renovation of water-saving irrigation projects. The proportion of water-saving irrigation projects in the province's effective irrigation area will rise to over 60%, and the effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water will reach over 056。(Led by the Provincial Department of Water Resources and the Provincial Department of Agriculture, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Finance)
    11. Scientific protection of water resources。We will improve the assessment system for water resources protection。We will strengthen the supervision and management of water functional zones and strictly verify the capacity of water areas to absorb pollution。(Led by the Provincial Water Resources Department, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    Determine ecological flow scientifically。Pilot projects were carried out in Weihe River and Hanjiang River basins to determine ecological discharge (water level) as an important reference for watershed water scheduling。(Led by the Provincial Water Resources Department and participated by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    We will strengthen the management of water flow in rivers, lakes and reservoirs。Improve water scheduling plans。Measures such as joint operation of sluice and dam and ecological water replenishment should be taken to rationally arrange the discharge water and discharge time of sluice and dam, maintain the basic ecological water demand of rivers and lakes, and focus on guaranteeing the ecological base flow during dry season。Control the scale of hydropower development, increase the construction of water conservancy projects, and give full play to the role of ecological base flow in improving water quality。(Led by the Provincial Water Resources Department and participated by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    Fourth, science and technology lead to reduce the cost of water pollution control
    (12) Promoting demonstration of applicable technologies。We will accelerate the dissemination and application of technological achievements, focusing on the promotion of appropriate technologies such as drinking water purification, water saving, water pollution control and recycling, urban rainwater collection and utilization, safe reuse of recycled water, water ecological restoration, pollution prevention and control of livestock and poultry breeding, utilization and safe disposal of sludge resources, and promoting the sharing and transformation of scientific and technological achievements。Give play to the main role of enterprises in technological innovation, promote key water treatment enterprises and research institutes, universities and colleges to establish strategic alliances for industry-university-research technology innovation, demonstration and promotion of advanced technologies for source control, emission reduction and cleaner production。(Led by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    (13) Tackle key problems and develop forward-looking technologies。Integrate the research and development force of the Institute of water treatment, and accelerate the research and development of advanced wastewater treatment in key industries, low-cost and high-standard treatment of domestic sewage, desalination of industrial high-salt wastewater, treatment of trace toxic pollutants in drinking water, groundwater pollution remediation, hazardous chemical accidents and emergency treatment of oil spills。Research has been carried out on technologies such as replenishing drinking water sources and groundwater with high-quality reclaimed water and reusing it for agricultural irrigation。Strengthen international exchanges and cooperation in water ecological protection, prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, water environment monitoring and early warning, and water treatment technology and equipment。(Led by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)
    14. Vigorously develop environmental protection industries。Regulate the market for environmental protection industries。We will improve the administrative procedures and technical standards for bidding in the design, construction and operation of environmental protection projects。We will promote the industrial development of advanced and applicable water-saving, pollution control and restoration technologies and equipment。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    We will accelerate the development of environmental protection services。Clarify the responsibilities and obligations of regulatory authorities, polluters and environmental protection service companies, and improve mechanisms for risk sharing and compliance guarantees。Give play to the leading role of large environmental protection enterprises such as provincial environmental protection industry groups, and encourage the development of general contracting models of environmental protection services, including system design, complete sets of equipment, engineering construction, commissioning and operation, maintenance and management, and cooperation models between the government and social capital。With a focus on sewage, garbage treatment and industrial parks, we will promote third-party environmental pollution control。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Finance, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, and the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)
    Fifth, optimize the space and ensure the ecological safety of the water environment
    (15) Ensuring the safety of drinking water sources。Monitoring drinking water safety from source to faucet。Municipal and county (district) governments and water supply units shall regularly monitor, test and evaluate the safety of drinking water sources, water supply plants and user taps within their respective administrative areas。Cities divided into districts, Hancheng City, Yangling Demonstration Zone and Xixian New District have announced drinking water safety information to the society every quarter since 2016, and county-level cities have announced drinking water safety information to the society every six months since 2018。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)
    We will strengthen environmental protection of drinking water sources。Carry out standardized construction of drinking water sources, and clean up illegal structures and sewage discharge outlets in drinking water source protection areas according to law。The districted city with a single water supply should basically complete the construction of backup water source or emergency water source by the end of 2020。Rural drinking water source protection and water quality testing were strengthened, and the water quality of ecological counties reached over 92%。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)
    Prevention and control of groundwater pollution。Regular investigation and assessment of the regional environmental conditions of centralized groundwater drinking water source recharge areas, petrochemical production, storage and sales enterprises and industrial parks, mining areas, landfill and other areas to carry out necessary anti-seepage treatment。The underground oil tanks of gas stations should be updated to double tanks or the construction of anti-seepage ponds should be completed by the end of 2017。The abandoned mine, drilling and water well should be sealed and backfilled。We will carry out pilot projects to restore groundwater contaminated sites that pose great environmental risks and seriously affect public health。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Commerce)
    16. Strengthening sound water body protection。Carry out ecological environmental safety assessment on rivers, lakes and reservoirs whose water quality reaches or is better than Class III at their source and current situation, and formulate and implement ecological environmental protection plans。The lakes and reservoirs included in the "Overall Plan for Ecological Environment Protection of lakes with good Water Quality" should develop medium - and long-term protection plans。By 2020, Yinghu, Heihe Reservoir, Qianhu, Shiquan Reservoir, Hongjiannao, Doumen Reservoir, Migibei Lake and Luyang Lake and other rivers into the lake should meet the planning requirements。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Forestry)
    Protecting water and wetland ecosystems。We will strengthen ecological protection of rivers and lakes and scientifically draw red lines for ecological protection。Encroachment on water conservation space such as natural wetlands shall be prohibited, and the encroached space shall be restored within a time limit。We will strengthen the construction and protection of water-conserving forests, protect and restore wetlands, and increase efforts to return farmland to forests and grasslands。Strengthen the ecological construction of the riverside (lake) zone, and build vegetation buffer zones and isolation zones on both sides of the river。Strengthen the protection of aquatic wildlife nature reserves and aquatic germplasm resources reserves, carry out in situ and ex situ protection of rare and endangered aquatic organisms and important aquatic germplasm resources, and improve aquatic biodiversity。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and the Provincial Department of Forestry, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    Sixth, improve the legal system, strict water environment law enforcement supervision
    18. Improving the legal system。Implement the Regulations on the Management of the Weihe River Basin in Shaanxi Province,Revised and improved the Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in the Hanjiang and Danjiang Basins of Shaanxi Province and the Regulations on Environmental Protection of Urban Drinking Water Source Protection Areas of Shaanxi Province,Yan 'an City and Yulin City studied and drafted the Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in Yanhe River Basin and the Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Water pollution in Wuding River Basin respectively.。We will study and formulate regulations and regulations on environmental quality target management, environmental function zoning, water saving and recycling, pollution liability insurance, supervision and management of water function zones, groundwater management, environmental monitoring, ecological flow guarantee, and ecological compensation, and gradually establish a long-term management mechanism。(Led by the Legislative Affairs Office of the Provincial government, with participation of the Development and Reform Commission of the Provincial Government, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of the Provincial Government, the Department of Land and Resources of the Provincial Government, the Department of Environmental Protection of the Provincial Government, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Provincial Government, the Department of Water Resources of the Provincial Government, and the Department of Agriculture of the Provincial Government)
    Improve the standard system。Timely revision of the Yellow River Basin (Shaanxi Section) Sewage Comprehensive Discharge Standards。Special discharge limits for water pollutants in key industries, pollution prevention and control technology policies and cleaner production evaluation index systems will be established。Urban sewage plants, large-scale livestock and poultry farms and communities in the Handan River Basin, and industrial enterprises of lead, zinc, mercury, antimony and copper in the key control areas of heavy metals strictly implement the "Handan River Basin (Shaanxi Section) Key industries Water Pollutant Discharge Limits"。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau)
    19. Intensify law enforcement。All pollutant discharging units must achieve comprehensive and stable discharge up to standard in accordance with the law。Carry out special law enforcement inspections every year, and give "yellow card" warnings to enterprises that exceed the standard and exceed the total amount, and restrict production or stop production for rectification;Enterprises that fail to meet the requirements of rectification and the circumstances are serious shall be punished with "red card" and shall be suspended and closed。Since 2016, the list of environmental protection "yellow card" and "red card" enterprises has been regularly published, and the discharge status of spot checking pollutant discharge units has been published to the public every quarter。(Led by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department and participated by the Provincial Public Security Department)
    We will improve the environmental supervision and law enforcement mechanisms for provincial inspection and district city inspection。We will strengthen coordination between departments and units of environmental protection, public security and supervision, improve the mechanism for linking administrative law enforcement with criminal justice, and improve regulations on the transfer, acceptance, filing and notification of cases。Strengthen supervision over the environmental protection work of municipal and county governments and relevant departments, and study the establishment of a provincial environmental ombudsman system。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Public Security Department, and the Provincial Editorial Office)
    Crack down on environmental violations。We will focus on cracking down on environmental violations such as setting up hidden pipes or using seepage Wells and pits to discharge or dump waste water containing toxic and harmful pollutants and pathogens, falsifying monitoring data, improperly using water pollutant treatment facilities, or dismantling or idling water pollutant treatment facilities without approval。We will strictly implement the compensation system for those responsible for ecological damage。We will seriously investigate and punish illegal activities in the field of environmental impact assessment of construction projects, such as unauthorized approval, pre-construction without approval, and prolonged delay in inspection。We will severely crack down on environmental pollution violations and crimes, establish a sound mechanism for joint investigation and transfer of environmental pollution crimes, and punish and prevent environmental pollution crimes in a timely and effective manner。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development)
   20. Improving oversight。We will strengthen inter-provincial collaboration。Strengthen coordination and cooperation with neighboring provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) of Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei and other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) on a regular basis to implement joint monitoring, joint law enforcement, emergency response and information sharing。(Responsible for Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    Improve the water environment monitoring network。Unified planning and setting of monitoring sections (points), by the end of 2017, the province's unified water environment monitoring network。Improve the technical support capacity of drinking water source quality index monitoring, aquatic biological monitoring, groundwater environment monitoring, chemical substances monitoring, and environmental risk prevention and control。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    Improve environmental supervision capacity。Strengthen environmental monitoring, environmental monitoring, environmental emergency and other professional technical training, strictly implement the law enforcement, monitoring and other personnel certification system, strengthen the grassroots environmental law enforcement force, qualified towns (streets) and industrial parks should be equipped with the necessary environmental supervision force。All cities, counties (districts) should implement grid management of environmental supervision from 2016。(Responsible for Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    7. Process control to improve the level of water environment management
    21. Deepening total emission control of pollutants。We will improve the statistical and monitoring system for pollutants, including industrial, urban, agricultural, mobile and other sources of pollution。The total emission control index of pollutants will be used as the basis for environmental impact assessment of new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects, and the equivalent or reduced amount of replacement will be implemented。Regions that have not completed the task of reducing the total amount of water pollutants shall suspend the examination and approval of new projects that discharge water pollutants。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    (22) Strict environmental risk control。Regularly assess the environmental and health risks of industrial enterprises and industrial clusters along the river, and implement prevention and control measures。Strict restrictions will be imposed on the production and use of high-risk chemicals, and substitution will be phased out。Establish and improve the environmental safety risk prevention and control system of tailings ponds, strengthen the preparation, reporting, drills and training of environmental emergency plans of tailings ponds, regularly assess the risks of tailings ponds, and effectively implement prevention and control measures。(Led by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department and the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau, with the participation of the Provincial Industry and Information Technology Department and the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)
    We will prudently handle sudden water environmental pollution incidents。Municipal and county (district) governments shall formulate and improve emergency plans for the disposal of water pollution accidents, implement the main body of responsibility, clarify the contents of early warning, forecasting and response procedures, emergency treatment and safeguard measures, and timely publish early warning information in accordance with the law。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)
    (23) Implementing emission permits in all areas。Issue emission permits in accordance with the law。Investigate sources of pollution and block illegal discharge outlets。The issuance of emission permits for key pollution sources under state control will be completed on schedule, and the issuance of emission permits for other pollution sources will be completed by the end of 2017。With the goal of improving water quality and preventing environmental risks, the types, concentration, total amount and destination of pollutant discharge shall be included in the scope of permit management, and the discharge without a license or in violation of the permit shall be prohibited。By the end of 2017, docking with the state will complete the construction of provincial and municipal emission permit management information platforms。(Responsible for Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    8. Market promotion and establishment of endogenous regulation mechanism for water environment governance
    24. Rationalize prices and taxes。Reform of water prices will be accelerated。Cities above the county level should fully implement the tiered water pricing system for residents as scheduled, and towns with conditions should also actively promote it。We will deepen comprehensive pricing reform for water used in agriculture。Starting from 2016, the system of progressive price increases for non-resident water consumption exceeding the quota and exceeding the plan will be fully implemented by the end of 2020。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    Improve the charging policy。We will formulate and revise measures for the collection and management of urban sewage treatment fees, sewage discharge fees, recycled water fees, and water resources fees, and reasonably raise the collection standards to ensure that they are fully collected。Urban sewage treatment fees should not be lower than the cost of sewage treatment and sludge treatment。The standard of groundwater water resource fee collection should be higher than that of surface water, and the standard of groundwater water resource fee collection should be higher than that of non-over-extraction area。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Finance, and participated by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    Improve tax policy。Preferential tax policies on environmental protection, energy and water conservation, and comprehensive utilization of resources will be implemented in accordance with the law。(Led by the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Tax Bureau and the Provincial Local Taxation Bureau, and participated by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and the Provincial Department of Commerce)
    25. Promoting diversified financing。We will guide nongovernmental capital investment。Actively promote the establishment of financing guarantee funds, and promote the development of environmental protection equipment financial leasing business。Promote equity, project income rights, franchise rights, pollution rights and other pledge financing guarantee。Social capital is encouraged to increase investment in water environmental protection by means of environmental performance contract services, granting of development and operation rights, repurchase of pollutant discharge rights, and construction of pollution control facilities。(人民银行西安分行、省发展改革委、省财政厅牵头,省环境保护厅、省住房城乡建设厅、陕西银监局、陕西证监局、陕西保监局等参与)
    Increase government funding。The provincial level has increased support for water environmental protection projects that are under the jurisdiction of the provincial level, and tilted towards key regions and key river basins。The municipal and county (district) governments shall focus on supporting projects and work such as sewage treatment, sludge treatment and disposal, river regulation, drinking water source protection, pollution prevention and control of livestock and poultry breeding, water ecological restoration, and emergency pollution clean-up。Necessary guarantees shall be given to environmental supervision capacity building and operation cost classification。(Led by the Provincial Department of Finance, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    (26) Establishing reward and punishment mechanisms。We will improve the system of "leading the way" in water conservation and environmental protection。We will encourage advanced energy-saving and emission-reduction enterprises and industrial clusters to meet higher standards for water use efficiency and pollutant discharge intensity, and support demonstration work on cleaner production, water conservation, and pollution control。(Led by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    Promote green credit。We will give full play to the role of policy banks and other financial institutions in water environmental protection, focusing on supporting circular economy, sewage treatment, water resources conservation, water ecological environment protection, and recycled water utilization。Strictly restrict loans to enterprises that violate environmental laws。Strengthen the construction of the environmental credit system, build a trustworthy incentive and punishment mechanism for dishonesty, environmental protection, banking, securities, insurance and other departments or institutions to strengthen coordination and linkage, by the end of 2017 to establish provincial, city, county level enterprise environmental credit evaluation system。Industries with high environmental risks such as heavy metals, petrochemicals and transportation of hazardous chemicals are encouraged to take out environmental pollution liability insurance。(人民银行西安分行牵头,省工业和信息化厅、省环境保护厅、省水利厅、陕西银监局、陕西证监局、陕西保监局等参与)
    We will conduct assessment and compensation for water environmental pollution。We will improve the assessment and compensation mechanism for water environmental pollution in the Weihe River basin。Since 2016, water environmental pollution assessment and compensation have been implemented in the Hanjiang River and Danjiang River basins.Since 2017, water environmental pollution assessment and compensation have been implemented in the Yanhe River and Wuding River basins。All funds for water pollution compensation will be used to build capacity for pollution control, environmental monitoring, environmental law enforcement, and environmental emergency response。We will deepen trials for paid use and trading of emission rights。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and the Provincial Department of Finance, and participated by the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    Ninth, reform and innovation, highlighting regional precision governance
    (27) Strengthening the prevention and control of water environment risks in northern Shaanxi。According to the characteristics of ecological fragility and concentration of energy and chemical enterprises in northern Shaanxi, the water resources and water environment capacity of the control unit are verified to ensure that the water resources are not overloaded and the total amount of pollution discharge is not broken, and the ecological security barrier in the wind-blown sand area in northern Shaanxi is built。The total ecological water volume of Yanhe River and Wudinghe River is not less than 30% of the natural runoff。In the units where groundwater is overdrawn, the new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects may not use groundwater as an industrial water source;The scale of water used by industrial enterprises shall not be added within the range of the basin where the interrupted river is located and the range of the groundwater drop funnel。Strengthen the prevention and control of water environmental risks in energy and chemical enterprises, focus on the investigation of key pollution sources and potential environmental risks in oil and gas pipelines, waste disposal sites, storage facilities and other oil and gas development enterprises, and strictly prevent the pollution of surface water and groundwater。Implement the whole process control of oil and gas extraction, purification, and transportation, strictly implement the harmless treatment of drilling mud, so that the mud does not fall on the ground and is safely disposed of, and standardize the construction and risk prevention measures of stormwater pools and waste oil pools at wellsites, pressurization points, transfer stations, and joint stations。Strict environmental access and route selection of new oil pipelines。In accordance with the regulations, the sites of heavy pollution industries such as petrochemical and coal chemical industry shall be treated with seepage prevention, and a dynamic monitoring system for groundwater quality shall be established。For petrochemical and coal chemical projects that have been built, or pollution projects that are located in areas with large soil permeability coefficients and more sensitive groundwater, groundwater monitoring systems shall be built within a time limit。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Water Resources Department, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    28. Strengthening water pollution control in the Weihe River Basin。The Wei River basin should focus on pollution control and consolidate and improve the control results。Investigate the key pollution sources in the control unit and sort out the bottleneck problems affecting the water quality standards。Coordinate agricultural irrigation, industrial and urban water consumption to ensure the ecological water requirements of the Weihe River。We will strengthen control over non-point agricultural sources and continue to deepen the prevention and control of industrial and domestic pollution。Strengthen the supervision of key industries such as coal chemical industry (chemical fertilizer, methanol, coking), petrochemical industry (oil refining), food processing (juice, starch, monosodium glutamate), electroplating, paper making, printing and dyeing, pharmaceutical industry (manufacturing of raw materials), pesticides, and non-ferrous metals, and raise the rate of stable compliance with standards。We will strengthen urban sewage and reclaimed water pipe networks and improve sewage collection capacity。Increase the utilization of recycled water for industrial enterprises, landscape water bodies, and municipal utilities, carry out agricultural irrigation demonstrations of recycled water, and promote the safe disposal and comprehensive utilization of sludge。The two sides of the Weihe River shall be designated as protection areas, and any projects unrelated to water environment management shall be prohibited within the area, and ecological wetlands shall be constructed in appropriate areas to construct the ecological barrier of the Weihe River。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Water Resources and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    (29) Construction of water quality protection barriers in Handan River Basin。With the aim of comprehensively constructing water source conservation and water quality protection barrier, the ecological environment of Hanjiang Danjiang Basin should be improved comprehensively。Strictly delimit areas prohibited from mining, logging and grazing;We will intensify efforts to return farmland to forests, implement afforestation on large areas along river banks, build ecological barriers, enhance water conservation capacity, and control pollution from non-point sources。Rationally adjust the industrial layout according to the water environment capacity of the control unit。We will strengthen pollution control in metal mining, smelting, ginger saponin, paper making, silk reeling, brewing, food processing and other industries, and strengthen tailings pond treatment and environmental restoration。We will improve the construction of environmental protection facilities in established towns and concentrated residential areas for immigrants, and strengthen the construction and operation management of urban pollution treatment facilities。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and the Provincial Department of Forestry, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Agriculture, and the Provincial Department of Transportation)
    10. Fulfill responsibilities and promote full participation of all people
    Strengthening the responsibility of governments at all levels for water environmental protection。Strengthen organizational leadership and implement the division of responsibilities。The provincial government has established a joint prevention and control coordination mechanism for water pollution control in key river basins (Yanhe River, Wudinghe River, Wei River, Hanjiang River, Danjiang River, Jialing River and other six river basins), and holds regular meetings to report the progress of the action plan, guide, coordinate and inspect the implementation of the action plan。Local governments at all levels are the main body of the implementation of this work plan, to formulate the implementation of annual plans, implement the action plan for water pollution prevention and control, year by year determine the key tasks and annual objectives of the sub-basin, sub-region and sub-industry, and clarify the main body of responsibility of each control unit。We will continue to improve policies and measures, increase funding, coordinate urban and rural water pollution control, strengthen supervision, and ensure that all tasks are fully completed。The work plans and annual work plans of each municipality (district) shall be submitted to the provincial government for the record。(Led by the municipal government of each district, Yangling Demonstration Zone and Xixian New District Management Committee, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    31. Strengthening coordination and interaction among departments。All relevant departments should conscientiously follow the division of responsibilities, effectively do a good job of water pollution prevention and control related work, implement the provisions of "one post and two responsibilities" in environmental supervision, in accordance with the principle of "who is in charge, who is responsible", strengthen the technical guidance and supervision and inspection of pollution prevention and control in the industry, and strengthen inter-departmental coordination and cooperation to form a joint work force。The leading departments of various tasks shall organize and coordinate relevant work, regularly dispatch and check the progress of tasks, and regularly report the progress of work to the provincial government。The provincial Environmental Protection Department shall strengthen unified guidance, coordination and supervision, and timely report to the provincial government on work progress and problems to be solved through coordination。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Department of Agriculture)
    (32) Implementing the main responsibility of pollutant discharge units。All pollutant discharge units must strictly implement environmental laws, regulations and systems, strengthen the construction and operation of pollution control facilities, carry out self-monitoring, and fulfill their responsibilities for pollution control, emission reduction, and environmental risk prevention。Central enterprises, provincial enterprises and state-owned enterprises should take the lead in implementation, and enterprises in industrial clusters should explore the establishment of environmental self-discipline mechanisms。(Led by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department and participated by the SASAC)
    (33) Strict assessment of goals and tasks。The provincial government signed the target responsibility letter for water pollution prevention and control with each district city, Hancheng Municipal Government, Yangling Demonstration Zone and Xixian New District Management Committee, decomposed the implementation of objectives and tasks, and effectively implemented the "one post and two responsibilities".。The provincial government evaluates the completion of the objectives and tasks of the relevant departments at the local and provincial levels every year, and the assessment results are announced to the public, and serve as an important basis for the comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the leading teams and leading cadres。(Led by the Provincial Environmental Protection Department and participated by the Provincial Party Committee Assessment Office)
    The assessment results will be used as a reference for the allocation of funds for water pollution prevention and control, transfer payments for key river basins and ecological compensation。(Led by the Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and participated by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection)
    For those who fail to pass the annual assessment, the relevant person in charge of the municipal government and its relevant departments should be interviewed, put forward rectification suggestions and urged;Limit the approval of construction projects in this area and enterprises。For those who fail to effectively respond to water environmental pollution incidents due to poor work and absence of duty performance, as well as interference, falsification of data and failure to complete annual targets and tasks, the relevant units and personnel shall be held accountable according to law and discipline。Leading cadres who make blind decisions without regard to the ecological environment, leading to the deterioration of the water environment quality, causing serious consequences, shall be recorded, and, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, shall be given organizational treatment or party and government disciplinary sanctions, and those who have left office shall also be held accountable for life。(Provincial Supervision Department and Provincial Environmental Protection Department are responsible)
    (34) Disclose environmental information in accordance with the law。The provincial government shall publish the status of water environment quality in the whole province every year, and each municipality (district) shall publish the status of water environment quality in its administrative region every year。For cities with poor water environment, which still cannot meet the requirements after rectification, the honorary titles of provincial environmental protection model city, ecological civilization construction demonstration zone, water-saving city, garden city, and sanitary city shall be cancelled, and the corresponding titles of national level shall be cancelled and announced to the public。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, with the participation of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, and the Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission)
    State - and provincial-controlled key pollutant discharge units shall disclose to the public the names of the major pollutants they produce, the modes of discharge, the concentration and total amount of discharge, the situation of excessive discharge, as well as the construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities, and take the initiative to accept supervision。(Responsible for Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    35. Strengthening public oversight。Give full play to the role of public welfare activities and media columns such as "Three Qin Environmental Protection Century Walk", "Environmental Protection Time and Space" and "Qin Feng Hotline", provide training and consultation on water pollution prevention and control regulations for the public and social organizations, and invite the public and social organizations to participate in important environmental law enforcement actions and major water pollution incident investigation。Using newspapers, the Internet, television and other news media to publicly expose typical cases of environmental violations。Actively promote environmental public interest litigation。We will improve the reporting system and give full play to the role of the "12369" environmental reporting hotline, environmental wechat public accounts and online platforms。Handling environmental problems reported by the masses within a time limit, once verified, the informant can be rewarded。Through public hearings, online solicitation and other forms, we will fully listen to the public's opinions on major decisions and construction projects。(Responsible for Provincial Environmental Protection Department)
    (36) Establish a pattern of action by the whole people。Establish the code of conduct of "water saving and clean water, everyone is responsible"。Strengthen publicity and education, integrate water resources, water environmental protection and water situation knowledge into the national education system, and raise the public's understanding of the objective laws of economic and social development and environmental protection。Relying on primary and secondary school water-saving education, soil and water conservation education, environmental education and other social practice bases, to carry out environmental protection social practice activities。We will support non-governmental environmental protection organizations and volunteers in their work。Advocate a new trend of green consumption, carry out mass activities such as building environmentally friendly communities, schools and families, promote water conservation, and encourage the purchase and use of water-saving products and products with environmental labels。(Led by the Provincial Department of Environmental Protection and the Provincial Department of Education, with the participation of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Provincial Department of Water Resources)
    The relevant departments of all cities (districts) and provincial-level should comply with the requirements of "local fulfillment of territorial responsibilities, departments to strengthen industry management", closely combine with reality, pay close attention to implementation, and ensure that the water environment goals are achieved on schedule。
  Any major problem found in the implementation shall be reported to the provincial government in a timely manner。

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